Contact Us

If you are looking for legal guidance from knowledgeable, expert and friendly solicitors, you’re in the right place.

Get in touch

Please fill in the contact form and one of our team will be in touch as soon as we can. Our working hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm.

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Our locations
To find details of your local office and how to reach us, select the location nearest to you from the list below:
  • 30 Greek St
    SK3 8AD

    Please note: As of 31 March 2025 Greek Street roundabout will be closed for 12 months. If driving, you will only be able to access our office from the A6. More information on diversions and the closure can be found here.

    0161 475 7676
  • 3 Vicar’s Lane
    CH1 1QX

    01244 305 900
  • Churchill Chambers
    Churchill Way
    SK11 6AY

    01625 442 100
  • Riverside
    Mountbatten Way
    CW12 1DY

    01260 282 300
Media contacts
If you have a media enquiry, please direct it to our PR agency

Our experts at SAS Daniels are regularly asked to contribute their thoughts on a range of legal matters to national, regional and trade media outlets.

For any media enquiries, please contact Anthea Fosti, Melissa Hemmings or Scarlet Rajah at Zeus PR. 

01260 275372




Our experts at SAS Daniels are regularly asked to contribute their thoughts on a range of legal matters to national, regional and trade media outlets.

For any media enquiries, please contact Anthea Fosti, Melissa Hemmings or Scarlet Rajah at Zeus PR. 

01260 275372