
Your security is important to us
Our policy

We recognise and value the provision of information on this website in a format which is accessible to all, regardless of ability or disability.

To ensure that this happens, we have programmed our website following web standards and accessibility guidelines as defined by the W3C.

The site is developed using valid HTML5 and cascading style sheets (CSS). Our site content is separated from presentational elements, which makes it available to any visitors that use technologies such as a screen reader or text only browser.

Text size

The site has also been built to expand conforming to original design layout. This is in order to allow users with visual impairments to increase text size without losing the structure of the site.

Text size can be increased/decreased by holding the “Ctrl” Key and pressing the “+” or “-” respectively, or by holding the “Ctrl” Key and scrolling the Mouse Wheel (If present). Pressing “Ctrl” together with “0” (zero) will return the text size to its default in later browsers.

This payment tool helps our clients to make payments for legal services they have received from SAS Daniels in an efficient and secure way. In order to pay your invoice you will need to complete all fields shown on the form below with our reference number. (This can be found in the top left hand corner of the invoice that we sent to you.) The security of our clients is of great importance to us therefore we choose to work with WorldPay, one of Europe’s largest payment service providers who will protect your payment details and personal information so you can have absolute confidence in this payment facility.

If you have any payment queries, please call our card payments line on 0161 475 7613 where our Accounts team will be happy to advise you.

If you have any general queries about the content of your bill or any other legal queries, please contact your lawyer direct or call our reception on 0161 475 7676 and our receptionist will be happy to transfer you.

Please click to read our privacy policy and our refund policy.

All fields are mandatory.

Make your payment

Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.

Get in touch

Please fill in the contact form and one of our team will be in touch as soon as we can. Our working hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm.

"*" indicates required fields